- Preventing meningitis in teenagers vaccinated against MenB as babies: is one booster dose enough?
- Investigating whether a single dose of the MenB vaccine is enough to boost teenagers’ immunity gained from infant MenB vaccination
- Category: Prevention
- Organization: University of Oxford, UK
- Are meningococci more abundant in the throats of teenagers with common wintertime viruses?
- Are teenagers with wintertime viral infections such as influenza more likely to carry high numbers of meningococcal bacteria and therefore be more infectious?
- Category: Prevention
- Organization: University of Bristol, UK
- Pioneering research that could eventually help stop loss of limbs from meningitis
- Understanding meningococcus-induced blood clotting – working towards new therapeutics for purpura fulminans
- Category: Diagosis & Treatment
- Organization: Institut Necker, Paris, France
- Using new genomic techniques to identify the causes of meningitis in UK children
- Improving the speed, accuracy and cost of diagnosing meningitis in children in the UK by using new genomic techniques
- Category: Diagnosis & Treatment
- Organization: University of Oxford; Public Health England; St. Mary’s Hospital; University of London; University of Liverpool; UK
- Improving survival in HIV-infected adults at risk of cryptococcal meningitis
- Investigating the causes of severe illness and death in HIV-infected cryptococcal positive patients
- Category: Diagnosis & Treatment
- Organization: St. George’s University of London; UK, National Institute of Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Vaccinating expectant mothers against MenA
- Protecting newborn infants from meningococcal A infection and meningitis
- Category: Prevention
- Organization: MRC Unit, Banjul, The Gambia, University of Cambridge, UK, LSHTM, London, UK, PHE, Manchester, UK, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
- Defining meningitis in UK children in the conjugate vaccine era
- Determining the current causes of childhood meningitis
- Category: Diagnosis & Treatment
- Organization: University of Oxford, UK, St Mary’s Hospital, UK, St George’s Hospital, University of London, UK, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals, UK
- TB meningitis – Imperial College and Francis Crick Institute
- Improving treatment outcomes in tuberculosis (TB) meningitis
- Category: Diagnosis & Treatment
- Organization: Imperial College London and Francis Crick Institute, London.
- Meningococcal disease – Bristol
- Creation of sample collection from “Be on the TEAM” study throat swabs for molecular (PCR) analysis of meningococcal carriage and carriage density
- Category: Diagnosis & Treatment
- Organization:University of Bristol.
- Meningococcal disease London
- Babies born Early Antibody Response to Men B vaccination
- Category: Diagnosis & Treatment
- Organization: St George’s, University of London
(1) Meningitis Research Foundation. Research Projects.
(2) Meningitis Now. Current Research Projects.
(2) Meningitis Now. Current Research Projects.